Coaching services provided by The Gifted Learning Lab are not therapy and do not involve professional licensure

Interviews & Media
Featuring Dr. Danika Maddocks & The Gifted Learning Lab
Divergent Conversations Podcast
Parenting 2e Kids: High Standards and Emotional Needs
In this podcast interview, I talked with hosts Dr. Megan Anna Neff and Patrick Casale about what it's like to be twice-exceptional (2e) and to parent 2e kids or teens. We talked about how to support a growth mindset for 2e folks, the importance of validating 2e kids' perspectives, and why it's critical to think about environmental fit.
REEL 2e: Resilience and Engagement for Every Learner
Reduce Power Struggles with Your 2e Kid
In this talk, I explained why power struggles are so common in families with 2e kids and I shared three powerful, practical strategies to prevent and defuse power struggles - plus real-life examples to help you apply these strategies to your particular family situation.
Parenting the Intensity Podcast
How Autonomy and Interests Transform Challenges​
In this interview, host Anouk Brière-Godbout and I talked about ideas to make tricky tasks easier for your kid or teen by offering them more autonomy and incorporating their interests in creative ways.
Rebel Therapist Podcast
Creating a Program for Parents
In this podcast interview, I talked with host (and my awesome business coach) Annie Schuessler about why I created a coaching program to support parents of gifted and twice-exceptional kids and teens - in addition to my private practice with the same focus.
The Neurodiversity Podcast
2e or Not 2e: The Nuts and Bolts of Twice-Exceptionality
In this podcast interview, I talked with host Emily Kircher-Morris about twice-exceptionality and my research published in Gifted Child Quarterly about how to identify learning disabilities in gifted folks. We also discussed my coaching work with families and how I help families craft a compassionate story about their twice-exceptional kids' experience.
Parenting the Intensity Podcast
Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Kids​
In this interview, I talked with host Anouk Brière-Godbout about giftedness and twice-exceptionality. We talked about the relationship between emotional intensity and twice-exceptionality - plus reasons that twice-exceptionality is often missed, even when a family seeks out an assessment.
Just Don't Eff Them Up
In this interview, I talked with hosts Mackenzie and Myranda about the unique hilarities and challenges of raising gifted and twice-exceptional kids and teens!