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A highly interactive 8-week program that helps you understand & support your bright, strong-willed kid so you can feel more confident & less stressed

Support your Intense gifted/2e kid

Do you want to feel more confident raising your intense gifted or twice-exceptional kid?

Perhaps this resonates with you...

You know your kid or teen is awesome.  They’re smart, funny, creative, and caring.  But they also have big, intense feelings that overwhelm them.

Your kid seems more passionate than their peers - they’re the one who storms out of the room when corrected or bursts into tears when something doesn’t go their way.


Your kid loves to learn, but they hate the feeling of not knowing something.  If learning feels too hard or they make a mistake, they may cry, rip up their work, or need a break from the activity.


Your kid is hard on themselves - really hard.  Even though they’re bright and talented, they call themselves stupid, say they’re the worst in the world, say they hate themselves, or wonder why they’re so different from their peers.



Once your kid is having a big feeling, it’s hard to help them out of it.  You’ve tried reassuring them, reasoning with them, talking them through it, being understanding - nothing seems to help.



You’re worried your child’s perfectionism will erode their love of learning and that their big feelings will drive away friends.



You’ve read a lot of parenting books and tried to implement the strategies, but your kid seems to run on a different operating system -  nothing you’ve tried has been quite right.



Sometimes you worry you’re too lenient with your child and they’ll never learn to function in the “real world.”  But other times you worry you’re too strict or that your child is developing some shame about their big feelings.

You're ready for a new approach...

You want to feel more confident and connected even when your kid is overwhelmed or you're at odds.


You’re craving clear principles and practical strategies to guide you during tough moments.


You've maxed out general parenting advice and want ideas from someone who understands emotionally intense gifted and twice-exceptional kids like yours.​​​

A mother and child hugging.

This program will help you...

  • Understand giftedness, twice-exceptionality, and the sources of your child's intensity so you know what your child needs to thrive

  • Stay more calm and collected when your child is having big feelings

  • Nurture your child’s talents and personal strengths

  • Support your child's challenges so they feel less overwhelmed during day-to-day life

  • Bolster your child’s resilience over the long term

  • Build a strategy list & support system tailored to your family's needs

  • Tap into your strengths as a parent, even when things are tense

What's included

What's Included

Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid

is an 8-week group coaching program designed to build your confidence.

Read below to learn more about how the program works.

8 weekly live (and recorded) Learning Lab meetings

Learn principles and strategies to understand and support your kid, then make a plan to apply them at home

Overview: I share in-depth information about the week's topic, then help you apply the ideas and strategies to your specific situation. You also feel less alone as you hear from other parents and share ideas.

90 minutes each

A computer screen that shows a still image of Danika presenting a slide.

During each live, interactive (and recorded) Learning Lab meeting, I’ll introduce new information about intense gifted/2e kids plus guiding principles and strategies to support your child and your parenting. 

You'll "do the work" during our lab meetings, so you know you're getting the most out of the program. 


You’ll collect helpful ideas and respond to carefully crafted prompts that will help you adapt ideas to your unique child and family.  You'll make a plan to try out new strategies.  During each lab meeting we'll have time for Q&A and small-group coaching so you can feel confident trying the strategies at home.

  • Learn about giftedness and twice-exceptionality so you understand what your kid needs to thrive.

  • Learn new strategies that are grounded in research and lived experience - and which have helped other gifted/2e kids and their families.

  • Personalize and adapt ideas to your unique family situation through guided activities, live Q&A, and interactive small-group coaching.  

  • Get support directly from Danika - I'll answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you adapt strategies as needed.

  • Connect with other parents who are also passionate about supporting their own smart, sensitive kids.

Weekly live (and recorded) Office Hours meetings

Get answers to your questions & connect with other families who get it

Overview: This hour is devoted to participants' questions. Any question about parenting your kid is welcome.  This is also a time to grapple with big ideas about parenting and neurodiversity - in a supportive space.

60 minutes each

A computer screen shows a still image of Danika talking to the screen during a video call.

During the office hours, you get help applying the ideas from our Learning Lab meetings to your specific child and unique situation in all their complexity.


You and your lab mates share what it was like to try the ideas from the Learning Lab meeting.  You get my help with questions or problems that arose.  You can also ask any other questions on your mind about how to support your intense gifted/2e kid.

  • Continue to personalize and adapt ideas to your unique family situation with my support.

  • Get support directly from Danika - I'll answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you adapt strategies as needed.  You can ask any questions on your mind about your intense gifted/2e kid(s).

  • Connect with other parents to share strategies, frustrations, challenges, and successes.

  • Explore both practical questions and bigger philosophical questions about parenting and neurodiversity - some of the most meaningful, transformative conversations of the program happen during office hours.

Apply & observe between meetings

Try your new strategies to see what works best for your specific kid(s)

Overview: Between meetings, you’ll apply what you’ve learned and see what works best for you and your family.  You'll get support in the private network and private coaching calls (see below).

An outline of a house with icons inside that show a parent and child interacting, an upset child, and a high five.

Parenting is complex and each kid and family are different.  The Learning Lab process is all about learning new ideas, adapting ideas to your unique situation, trying new approaches at home, observing results, & adjusting as needed until you find what works for you and your child.

  • Put your plan into action - use the plan you made during the Learning Lab meeting to try out new principles and strategies at home.

  • Observe & reflect to see what works for your kid, your parenting style, and your current situation.

  • Share your questions in the private network or private coaching calls (see below) to get help applying strategies and adjusting as needed.

  • Repeat this process to find what works for you and your family.

A computer screen that shows the Mighty Network platform with a video clip posted by Danika.

Private online network

Overview: Ask me coaching questions any time in Mighty Networks, a private online community.  In the network you can also connect with other parents in your cohort and access recordings and resources to get the most out of the program.

Ask questions between meetings, access recordings & resources, and connect with other parents in your cohort

Participants find the online network helpful because you can post a question or an observation at any time during the program.  If you try a new strategy and it doesn't work the way you hoped, you can post a question to get support and hear my suggestions or perspective.  If you have an "ah ha!" moment when you connect something from our program to your experience parenting your child, you can share your observations in the network right away, to solidify your new insight and share your realization with others who get it.

The online network also houses all the resources associated with Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid - recordings of our live meetings, copies of my slides, and a curated list of resources to learn more about the topics that are most relevant for you and your kid.

  • Continue to personalize and adapt ideas to your unique family situation with my support. 

  • Get support directly from me - I'll answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you adapt strategies as needed.  You can ask any questions on your mind about your intense gifted/2e kid(s).

  • Connect with other parents to share strategies, observations, challenges, and successes.

  • Access recordings of our meetings, worksheets, slides, and additional resources.

Each family can schedule two 45-minute private coaching calls before and during the program.  During these calls, I can help you apply strategies to your unique family situation and we can talk about your most important questions in more depth.

  • Apply the program's ideas to your specific kid and family by discussing your situation in more detail during these private coaching calls.

  • Get more support directly from me, your parenting coach - I'll answer your questions and help you adapt strategies or problem-solve as needed.

Private coaching calls

Overview: Two 45-minute calls per family so you can go more in-depth about your most pressing questions or talk privately about certain topics.

A computer screen shows a still image of Danika talking to the screen during a video call.

Get 1:1 support from Danika, focused on your most pressing questions

Here's how everything fits together

A weekly calendar that shows Learning Lab meetings on Tuesdays, Office Hours on Fridays.

By the end of 8 weeks, you’ll have:

  • A new framework to understand & support your intense gifted/2e kid

  • A list of guiding principles & strategies to help you problem-solve any tricky parenting situation - plus lots of experience actually applying and adjusting these ideas in real life

  • A developing sense of which strategies work best for your family, in what situations, and with what adaptations

  • A plan to support your child and yourself in the year ahead

A father and son working on a project together and smiling.
Weekly themes

Weekly Themes

Here's a summary of what we'll do each week

Week 1: Understand Gifted & Twice-Exceptional Intensity

You’ll learn a clear, simple framework to understand the sources of your child's intensity, and how their intensity relates to their giftedness or twice-exceptionality. We’ll also talk about commonly-missed indicators of twice-exceptionality and how to know when additional assessment might help you understand the source of your child’s intensity.

If you’re still not sure  why your gifted or twice-exceptional kid can be so intense , this is the week when you finally get a clearer picture.

Week 2: Respond to Big Emotions & Intense Moments

You’ll learn the VIEW framework, a 3-step process you can use when your bright kid has big feelings or an intense moment. This process can reduce power struggles and help you stay calmer during intense moments.

The strategies you learn this week are some of the biggest keys to a calmer family life, so you can start putting them to work right away. You’ll get help applying this strategy to your child’s big feelings and intense behaviors.

A lot of parents wonder how they can  validate and support their child’s intense feelings  when their kid breaks a rule or acts aggressively - we’ll talk about that!

Week 3: Incorporate Autonomy & Interests

Intense gifted/2e kids often crave autonomy more than most kids. We'll talk about how you can promote autonomy during daily routines and in the language you use. Surprisingly, giving intense kids more control can help them feel safe and thereby lead to a calmer home life.

Gifted/2e kids also truly love their interests and passions. They thrive when they’re engaged in one of their interests, but big feelings and disruptive behaviors often distract from kids’ passions. You’ll explore some creative, new ways to expand and leverage your child’s interests - because incorporating their interests can reduce meltdowns and improve mood, relationships, and behavior.

Week 4: Support Challenges by Embracing Neurodiversity

Many intense gifted and twice-exceptional kids need additional supports and accommodations to set them up for success and reduce their emotional overwhelm. But, many parents don’t know where to start or which supports are reasonable.

We’ll discuss concrete strategies to support your child’s challenges with an approach that affirms neurodiversity and helps your child develop a realistic, positive identity. These strategies will help you meet your kid where they're at to avoid many difficulties, meltdowns, and power struggles in the first place.

Week 5: Craft Better-Fit Learning

Typical school practices often aren’t a great fit for bright, strong-willed kids. That’s one reason parents of gifted and twice-exceptional kids often have to communicate and advocate more often with school than the average parent.

This week, you’ll learn common educational “fit” problems for gifted students and some potential solutions, such as acceleration, assistive technology, 504 and IEP plans, and collaboration with school. I’ll tailor the specific content to each group’s questions, with extra time for Q&A.

I’ll adapt the strategies for this week based on whether participants’ kids are in public, charter, private, homeschooling, or other educational settings.

Week 6: Build a Social Support System

Many intense gifted kids struggle to find "their people" or seem out of place in typical social situations.  At the same time, many parents of gifted kids feel alone in their parenting journey, without a social support system that understands them and their child.  This week, you’ll explore new ways to support your child's positive social relationships and build a social support system for the whole family.  

Week 7: Encourage Resilience

If your child gets overwhelmed by setbacks and disappointments, you’re not alone! This week you’ll learn tips and strategies to support your child’s engagement and resilience. These strategies are based on motivation research and give you specific things to say during moments of frustration and low resilience. We’ll review common de-motivating messages to avoid and more motivating messages to use instead. These approaches can help reduce perfectionism over time.

Kids and teens are also more resilient when they understand themselves and what they need to thrive. If you’re not sure how to talk with your kid about being gifted or 2e, you’ll get help crafting affirmative, clear descriptions that resonate with your child.

Week 8: Reflect & Plan

You’ll reflect on your learning lab experience and identify your key take-aways. You’ll identify your biggest wins and favorite new strategies. Then I’ll lead you through a process to set goals for the coming year for your child and yourself - in a way that works with your child's brain and supports their positive sense of self.


I'll help you craft a clear, actionable plan to pursue your goals while caring for yourself and your child along the way.

Meet your coach
Danika, a white person with short brown hair, smiles at the camera.  She has her hands in her back pockets.

Meet your coach

Hi, I’m Dr. Danika Maddocks! I help parents understand and nurture their gifted and twice-exceptional kids.

I’ve sought out intense and sensitive gifted/2e kids in every iteration of my career - as a teacher, therapist, assessment provider, school consultant, and now a parent coach. 


I've conducted award-winning research on twice-exceptionality and I'm constantly learning new information and perspectives to understand and support gifted/2e kids and families.


I love these kids' fierce integrity, creative thinking, and willingness to say what’s on their mind. I also love working with these kids’ parents, who often delight in their children and work double-time to support them despite the lack of tailored resources and relevant supports.

As a former gifted kid raising an intense gifted preschooler, I understand the issues from the inside out and have an intuitive grasp of families’ experiences.

I know how difficult it can be raising (or being!) an intense or sensitive gifted/2e person - because most places in the world aren't designed for their needs, interests, preferences, or natural way of doing things.  And I believe all kids can thrive when there's a good fit between their characteristics and their environment. 

I created The Gifted Learning Lab and Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid so more parents of gifted/2e kids get the information and support they deserve - so you can feel confident raising your kid and know you're helping your family thrive.

Parent Testimonials

Participants describe how this coaching experience 

improved their confidence:

Mom of a gifted 5-year-old

In the past it was hard to set consistent limits with my son because he often pushed back.  I had to prepare for a 45-minute meltdown if I stuck to my limits. 


During the coaching program, I learned ways I could value my son’s autonomy while maintaining my own boundaries.  When I gave him more autonomy, he stopped pushing back as much.  In the group, it was helpful to share struggles and hear that other parents with gifted kids experience the same struggles we do.


Now I feel less shame and guilt over parenting because I’ve realized we are already doing so much.

Before this program, it was hard to deal with my son’s day-to-day intensity challenges, and I wasn’t sure how to help him with friendship challenges at school.


It was so helpful to learn specific strategies that are easy to remember in the heat of the moment (like VIEW).  It was also helpful to learn how many of our challenges are shared by other families. 


It was invaluable to have a thoughtful and knowledgeable person (Danika ;-)) to get ideas for specific situations.  It's one thing to read or learn a theory about what will help - it's another thing entirely to have professional guidance applying the theory to specific challenges. I found the most value in the program from these weekly discussions and collaborative problem solving. I also appreciated the sense that we were "doing the work" during the lab meetings - this helped me feel certain we are doing enough and on the right path as parents.

Dad of a 2e 5-year-old

Robynn, mom of a 2e 11-year-old

I joined this program looking for strategies for middle grade kids because I have a preteen.  I learned emotional communication strategies when my kid was a toddler and these were immensely helpful, but she still struggled with extreme emotions that got more intense coupled with middle school, hormones, and added complexities.  I'm an empath, so all her big emotions settled into me on top of my feelings of guilt and worry as her mother.


This program led to a huge mindset shift for me.  Before this program, I had my own ideas about how to build my daughter’s confidence.  And this is an exaggeration - but they mostly focused on giving her coping strategies to live with and blend in with neurotypical people.  And after the program, I see the situation more like - no, you don't have to do that.  You can own everything about yourself, have these tools, and make life work for YOU.  


My confidence has improved as a parent thanks to this program.  Now I feel more confident helping my kid understand that her difference/neurodiversity is real, is beautiful, and is a strength, not a hindrance.

Mom of a 2e 8-year-old

We came to this program right after our child's neuropsychological assessment because we knew we needed more information and we knew our child needed something different.  The approach we learned in this program has been that something different!


Now I know how to be more of the mom my child needs and that feels empowering for me and comforting for her. I have been using the VIEW approach and it has been very helpful. I feel calmer, and she deescalates more quickly or never escalates to begin with. Her experience has been seen and heard.  


Having come fresh from an assessment, we didn’t yet have accommodations in place at our child’s school. Between Danika's suggestions and those of other parents in the group, we felt prepared when we attended our first school meeting. We were able to put accommodations in place that help our child at school and also decrease some of her intensity at home. She is getting more of what she needs during the day.


Being part of the program has been such a helpful and affirming experience. I’m so glad we didn’t wait to take the course. I feel like it saved us months of flailing, searching, and experimentation! 

Parent testimonials

This program is for you if...

  • You think your kid is awesome - a truly creative, fun, and likable person - but you're at a loss about how to support their intense feelings or behaviors.

  • ​You want to feel more confident and less stressed parenting your smart, strong-willed kid.

  • ​You want to work WITH your kid's brain and you're ready to try new parenting approaches to find a good fit.

  • You want to learn and make brave changes alongside other thoughtful parents who understand the joys and challenges of a bright, passionate kid.

This learning lab is NOT for you if...

  • You don't want to try new parenting techniques right now - during this program, you'll try new strategies at home and get my help problem-solving and adapting your approach as needed.

  • You want to reign in your child’s big feelings and behaviors without trying new perspectives and approaches as a parent.

  • You’re not very confident your child is gifted - if that’s the case, the examples in this program won’t be a great fit.

Schedule & cost
The logo for Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid on an orange background.

Program Details -
Next cohort will be Fall 2024


The next cohort will be in Fall 2024.  I'll announce the specific dates to the waitlist when registration opens later this spring.  You can join the waitlist here.


The 8-week program costs $2325.  If you prefer, you can pay $465 per month for 5 months.  There is no additional fee to use a payment plan.

The registration fee covers two adults per household.

Each cohort has two reduced-fee spots available for parents who have financial need.  Recipients will be selected by random draw in late August.  To apply for the reduced-fee spots for the Fall 2024 cohort, click here.


Value - What's Included

To recap - the program is 8 weeks long and includes:

  • 8 live (and recorded) Learning Lab meetings (90 minutes)

  • 8 live (and recorded) Office Hour meetings (60 minutes)

  • 2 private coaching calls (45 minutes each)

  • Asynchronous coaching in Mighty Networks - you can post your questions any time during the program and I'll reply with a coaching video or written response 1-2 times per week

  • Private online community with your cohort (up to 15 families), moderated by me

  • 6 months of access to recordings

  • Lifetime access to handouts, slides, and resources

Click here to review more details about what's included and how the program works.

A boy and mother hugging.


Thanks for your interest in the program!

The next cohort will run in Fall 2024.


Registration for the Fall 2024 cohort will open this spring.  Folks who register early will get access to a bonus meeting this summer, with an Ask Danika Anything format.  Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when registration opens.

Have more questions about the group coaching program and whether it's a good fit for you and your family? 

You may find it helpful to read the Frequently Asked Questions below.  You're also welcome to schedule a brief chat with me to talk about your questions and whether the program would be a good fit.

If you prefer to email your questions, you can reach me at

Danika, a white person with short brown hair, smiles at the camera.  They are sitting and wearing a turquoise sweater.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is this program appropriate if I have a young child or a teen?

This program is designed for parents of intense gifted kids ages 2-18.  The key principles you’ll learn are relevant throughout the lifespan - so if you’re a grown-up gifted kid, you may even use some of them to support yourself.  I have a background in child development and I've helped parents with kids ages 2-18, so I’ll help you understand how to adapt the strategies for different ages.  You can continue to use the strategies for years to come.  

Does my child or teen need to be officially identified as gifted for me to participate in the coaching program?

Your child does not have to be officially identified as gifted, as long as you strongly suspect your child is cognitively gifted or advanced.  If you have any questions about whether the learning lab is a good fit, please contact me directly at to set up a time to chat.

I’ve already read a lot of books and articles and listened to a lot of podcasts about gifted kids, intense kids, or parenting.  What’s different about this program?

(1) Everything is designed specifically for parents of intense gifted and twice-exceptional kids.


Perhaps you've had this experience - you hear or read about a parenting idea that seems great, but when you try it with your child it falls flat, backfires, or seems to create more difficulty. This experience is super common for parents of intense gifted/2e kids, and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your execution (or your kids!). You need strategies and problem-solving help tailored to intense gifted/2e kids like yours.

In Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid, all of the information and strategies have helped other families with intense gifted and 2e kids. I’ve been working directly with these kids and their families for over 20 years as a teacher, tutor, therapist, psychologist, and now a parent coach, so I have a lot of experiences to draw from and adapt. I also was an intense gifted/2e kid and now I’m raising one, so I get personal practice adapting strategies in real time! 🙃

I designed Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid so more parents can get access to the ideas and strategies they actually need.

(2) You get a lot more hands-on support and guidance.

A parenting strategy or idea is only helpful if you can figure out how to apply it to your child and your family. As you know, I write about parenting strategies and ideas every week in Gifted Lab Notes. Some weeks, you might feel confident using the ideas from Gifted Lab Notes right away. Other weeks, you might wonder how the idea would work with your child...or whether you'd need to adapt it. You might wonder if the idea could help with your biggest concerns...or if you need a different approach for that particular situation.

Take a complex child + other family members + ever-changing stressors - that's why even smart, intentional parents often feel stuck when they try a new parenting approach with their intense gifted/2e kid - or when they have to decide which strategy to try in the first place!


I designed Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid to be highly interactive, so you'll get lots of help applying and adapting the strategies we discuss.

The program seems like a big commitment - is it worth doing this now?


I designed the program to be highly interactive and supportive. There's 2.5 hours of live meeting times with me and your small cohort each week, and I know that's a substantial time commitment.  

Yet - many participants say that this program has actually saved them time.

Our Learning Lab meetings provide the critical information you need about the week's topic, so you can start to make changes right away without additional research or reading. I help you understand what underlies your child's intensity, and I help you shift your parenting in small ways to create more connection and ease.

Most parents I work with are in one of two spots, and both groups find that the program saves them time.

(1) Some parents have known their kid is gifted or 2e for some time, and they've done a lot of research to understand giftedness, autism, ADHD, or their child's other exceptionalities. Despite understanding their kid's brain, they still struggle with daily parenting interactions. They know their parenting approach isn't working, but they can't find clear guidance about what would work with their kid. These parents appreciate the concrete parenting strategies and all the help adapting techniques to their particular situation. They save time by finally learning strategies that work for daily interactions. They spend less time in trial-and-error, and less time responding to meltdowns, arguments, power struggles, and other conflict at home.

(2) Other parents have recently learned that their child is gifted or 2e, and they feel overwhelmed by everything there is to learn about their child's brain and needs. Many of these parents have also been craving a new approach to parenting, but they haven't known where to start. These parents appreciate that the program provides a simple, clear framework to understand their child's new diagnosis and what their child needs to thrive. They save months of time spent researching and searching for clear information. They also appreciate the concrete parenting strategies and the way I tie the strategies to gifted/2e needs.

What if I can't attend all the Learning Lab meetings and Office Hours live? Will I still get a lot out of the program?


All of our live meetings are recorded, and you have access to these recordings for 6 months. If you watch a recording and have a question, you can ask questions at any time during the program in our private Mighty Networks forum and I’ll reply with a video. Participating asynchronously won’t be quite as immersive as participating live, but through Mighty Networks you can get a lot of asynchronous support and coaching from me and interact with other families in your cohort as well.  (You also get two private coaching calls during the program, which you'll schedule at a time that works for you.)

Some parents in past cohorts were not able to attend the Tuesday meetings, but watched the videos each week and attended the Friday Office Hours as much as possible. The Office Hours meeting is fully interactive and gives you time to ask and discuss questions in real time with me and other families. Parents who missed the Office Hours meetings said it was still very helpful to watch the recordings.

You’re welcome to join from work, from your parked car, while watching your younger child (I’d recommend headphones), or while your kid uses a screen. If you can figure out a creative way to join, you are welcome to join however works for you!

Is there a payment plan?


Yes, you can pay the fee in 5 monthly payments instead of a single payment. There are no additional fees to use a payment plan.

Do you have experience with...


...queer, nonbinary, and trans kids and teens? Teens with long-standing mental health challenges? Single-parent families? Kids with sensory sensitivities? Kids with chronic health conditions? Kids with significant anxiety, depression, panic attacks, somatic symptoms? Kids who use medication for ADHD, anxiety, or mood? Preschoolers and kindergarteners? Public schools? Private schools? Homeschooling?

The answer (to all these, at least) is yes! I've been working with gifted/2e kids and their families in a lot of capacities over the last 20 years, and my private practice is focused on these types of families. I used to teach middle school and I learn a ton from my teen clients. I have an intense gifted 4 year old at home and I run a free discussion group for parents of bright kids ages 1-5, so I've learned a lot about gifted/2e intensity in this age group (in addition to my training in general child development).


I love to research and do deep learning dives on all things related to gifted/2e kids, so that includes neurodiversity in general, LGBTQIA+ identities, anxiety and depression, burnout, family stress, sensory sensitivities, chronic health conditions, school issues of all types, and more.

If you'd like to know whether I have experience with some specific aspect of your child's experience or your parenting concerns, feel free to email or schedule a chat! It makes sense you'd want to know that before we work together.

Is this program therapy?

No, this group coaching program is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy or a professional relationship with a licensed mental health professional.  During group coaching lab meetings, you'll reflect privately on your own experiences, strengths, and challenges - but we won't spend time exploring any participant's personal psychology in depth with the group or with me.

If you or your child are already participating in therapy services, this group coaching program can be a great complement to your personal therapy work because it will give you a gifted-specific framework to understand your child and improve your family dynamics. 

If at any point during the group coaching program you realize that your own or your child's anxiety, sadness, history of trauma and stress, or other mental health challenges are affecting your ability to use the new information and strategies you're learning, I'd encourage you to seek out therapy services to get additional personalized support.

What if I have some issues with the terms “gifted” or "twice-exceptional"?

You don’t have to be completely comfortable with the labels “gifted” or “twice-exceptional” to benefit from this program, as long as you see your child as bright or as intellectually/academically advanced.  During this program, you’ll get a chance to understand giftedness in a new way and learn more about what giftedness means for your child.


The term “gifted” has a complicated and problematic history.  Historically, IQ testing and gifted programs have been used to support eugenics, racial stereotypes, and inequities.  Yet some children from all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic situations are unusually bright and advanced.


My view of giftedness is this: giftedness isn’t about being better, it’s about being different.  And I believe it’s important to acknowledge when a child is bright or gifted because we have to understand a child accurately to support them well.  For gifted kids, knowing they’re gifted helps us make a better fit between their environments and their unique characteristics.  


If you don’t believe that gifted or high-ability children sometimes think and process the world differently than typically developing children, this program probably won’t be a good match.

What if I have some issues with the word “intense”?

If the descriptions at the top of this page resonate with you, this program will probably be a good fit even if you don't love the word "intense" or if you prefer other words to describe your kid - like passionate, energetic, sensitive, assertive, independent, strong-willed, or curious.  


I chose the word "intense" because it resonates with many parents whose gifted kids feel deeply, think deeply, and notice things that others don't. 


In this program, we'll look at "intensity" in a new way that highlight your child's strengths and helps you identify successful strategies to support them.

I think "intense" can be a useful shorthand, but it doesn't capture all the nuance and individuality of a child's strong feelings, thoughts, or behaviors.  In fact, I wrote a brief article about the word "intense" - how it can be validating or invalidating, depending on how it's used.  I also list some other ways to describe apparent "intensity."  Check it out here if you're interested.

My intense gifted child is autistic, has ADHD, or has a learning disability like dyslexia.  Is this program designed for families like ours?

Absolutely!  I have a special interest in twice-exceptionality and Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid was designed with twice-exceptional kids in mind.  I strive to make all the approaches and strategies neurodiversity-affirming and appropriate for twice-exceptional kids.  We also spend significant time helping you adapt the principles and strategies to your specific child's neurotype, personality, interests, and other characteristics. 


I have a lot of experience supporting families of intense gifted kids who are autistic, have ADHD, and have learning disabilities or sensory sensitivities - as well as supporting the kids themselves.  I am continually learning about neurodiversity-affirming approaches to parenting and coaching as well as the lived experiences of neurodiverse folks of all kinds.

If you're interested in the program and want to learn more about supporting your twice-exceptional kid, I would love to have you!

My intense gifted kid is a PDAer (has a persistent drive for autonomy / pathological demand avoidance).  Or, I've noticed that they have a lot of PDA characteristics.  Is this program a good fit for families whose kid is PDA?


Yes!  I've been learning a ton about PDA over the last two years and my own kid has PDA characteristics, so I understand many of the constraints inherent in parenting a PDA kid.  As I learn more about internalized PDA, I recognize my own internal PDA experiences as well, so I bring a lot of compassion and intuition to my work supporting PDAers and their families.  Every cohort of Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid has had at least one family with a PDAer, and often multiple.  Every week, we talk about how to adapt the new approaches and ideas to support kids with PDA characteristics specifically.  In my experience, most intense gifted/2e kids benefit from PDA-informed approaches, so these are highlighted throughout the program.

In terms of specific training, I've completed the PDA North American Certification Program - Level 1, the Therapists and PDA Masterclass from At Peace Parents, and PDA: Not What You Think It Is! from Dr. Donna Henderson and Neurodivergent Insights.

What’s the refund policy?

This is an all-in investment.  There are no refunds after live meetings have begun.  You’ll be learning a new framework to help you understand your child better, feel calmer as a parent, and bolster your support systems.  The 8-week group coaching experience walks you through this framework and gives you the tools you need to make real, lasting changes in your parenting and your family.  This is vulnerable, exciting work.  I want you to be fully invested in the process so you can get the most out of what the learning lab has to offer.  With this policy, you’ll know that your labmates are as invested in the process as you are.

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